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Herizon was created with community in mind. Whether your community is a classroom, a neighborhood, or an entire nation, Herizon is intended to foster discussion around topics like intergenerational families, female empowerment, and the creative imagination. Where dialogue happens, action follows.


Author Daniel Vandever has given hundreds of book presentations and readings to schools, libraries, museums, and conferences. Each presentation is customized for each  audience; however, each speak to the importance of voice and identity. 


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South of Sunrise Creative. Herizon. Media Packet.

Are you interested in sharing information about Herizon to book influencers within your community? SOSC has provided an informational packet about author Daniel W. Vandever and Herizon. The packet provides information on why the book was written  as well as background information about Vandever and his debut book Fall in Line, Holden! 


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Daniel W. Vandever resides in Tucson, AZ and gives in-person readings throughout the Southwest. Vandever presents to K-12 schools, college and universities, museums, trade conferences, and libraries. Presentations are customized for all ages and settings.


1. Classroom - Classroom visits are adaptable. A projector/smart board is preferred for the presentation.


2. Assembly - A 1-1.5 hour presentation and reading is suitable for larger audiences .


Assembly presentations are structured similar to classroom presentations but require a microphone and a podium. More time is allocated for a Q & A session and interaction with students.


3. Community - Presentations are available in community space. Community presentations are aimed at adult audiences. Discussion topics include Navajo culture and history, diversity in children's books, and self-publishing.


4. Zoom - Virtual presentations and readings are available. The presentation is an hour at a rate of $150.


Rates for in-person readings are as follows:


  • One hour program: $500 + travel

  • Two hour program: $900 + travel

  • Three hour program: $1,500 + travel


Note: Author rates are negotiable for tribal-serving schools and institutions.

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